X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全146ページ 4.87MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 4.87MB
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Giving and receiving assistance124Towing methodsTo avoid damage, do not lift the vehicle by the tow fitting or body and suspension parts.<In some countries, towi ng with tow bars or ropes on public roads is not permitted. Familiar-ize yourself with the regu lations on towing in the specific country.With tow barThe towing vehicle must not be lighter than the vehicle to be towed; otherwise, it will not be possible to safely control vehicle response.<The tow fittings used sh ould be on the same side on both vehicles. Should it prove impossi-ble to avoid mounting the tow bar at an offset angle, please observe the following:>Clearance and maneuv ering capability will be strictly limited in corners.>When mounted at an angle, the tow bar will exert lateral forces, tending to push the vehicle sideways.Secure the tow bar to the tow fittings only. Otherwise, other vehicle parts could be damaged.<With tow-ropeWhen starting off in the towing vehicle, make sure that the tow-rope is taut.To avoid jerking and the associated stresses on vehicle components when towing, always use nylon ropes or nylon straps. Secure the tow rope to the tow fittings only. Otherwise, other vehicle parts could be dam-aged.<With tow truckDo not tow your BMW with only the front or rear axle raised; otherwise, the wheels could lock and the transfer case could be dam-aged.<Have your BMW transporte d only on a flat bed.Tow startingIf possible, do not tow start the vehicle; jump start the engine instead, refer to page 122. Vehicles equipped with catalytic convertors should only be tow star ted when the engine is cold. It is not possible to tow start an engine equipped with an automatic transmission.1.Switch on hazard warning flashers, comply with local regulations.2.Switch on ignition, refer to page 38.3.Shift into 3rd gear.4.Have the vehicle tow-st arted with the clutch depressed and slowly release the clutch. After the engine starts, immediately depress the clutch again.5.Stop at a suitable location, remove the tow bar or rope and switch off the hazard warn-ing flashers.6.Have the vehicle checked.Do not activate the HDC Hill Descent Control during tow starting, refer to page52.<
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