G5WPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全87ページ 5.18MB]
gizport - 2013-09-02
http://www.general-imaging.com/.../G5WP_UM_Eng.pdf - 5.18MB
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87page / 5.18MB
iiiWater & Dust Proof• The camera has JIS/IEC waterproof grade 8 (IPX8) and JIS/IEC dustproof grade 6 (IPX6). (It is tested according to GE testing condition, but no guarantee to say there is no damage or failure happened at all).• The accessories included with the camera have no waterproof function.Precautions Before Using1. Please make sure that the battery cover is locked tightly.2. Waterproof rubber and its contact surface shouldn’t have scratch or foreign material between them.3. Waterproof rubber with scratch shouldn’t be used in water.4. Neither open and close the battery cover when you are close to water and sea, nor do that by wet hands. 5. Do not use the camera in a thermal spring.6. In water camera may sink down. A wrist strap and similar objects can let the camera not sink.Precautions When Using1. Don’t use the camera below 5 meters underwater.2. Don’t use the camera underwater more than 2 hours.3. Don’t jump into water suddenly. The battery cover may be opened after the camera is impacted.4. Don’t open the battery cover underwater.5. When the camera is under strong vibration, pressure or impact, please go to the sales point or our company’s service site for consultation.Maintenance Precautions After Using1. Don’t open the battery cover after water falls into the camera. In this case, wipe out the camera with a clean and dry clothing without loose iber. 2. When the battery cover is opened, there may be water drops in the internal of battery cover and on the contact surface of camera body, please make sure to dry it out.3. After using the camera in the water (including sea water) or places with sands, mud and other foreign materials, put it into container with clean water for cleaning as earlier as you can. After cleaning, wipe out the camera with a clean and dry clothing without loose iber, then conirm if the bottons and other function still can work normally. 4. If there are dusts, sands and other foreign materials mixed with the waterproof rubber and its contact surface, please wipe it out with a clean and dry clothing without loose iber. 5. Don’t use chemical agent during maintenance. And, silicone grease can’t be coated on the waterproof rubber. 6. When it is stored, do not interfuse any sands and other foreign materials on the waterproof rubber and its contact surface. Waterproof rubber with scratches and cracks is potential to introduce water into camera. In this case, please go to the sales point or our company’s service site for repairing or requesting to replac it with a new waterproof rubber.Precautions of Waterproof Funciton