HP LP2275wの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全55ページ 3.47MB]
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Optimizing Digital ConversionTwo controls in the on-screen display can be adjusted to improve image performance: Clock and ClockPhase.NOTE:The Clock and Clock Phase controls are adjustable only when using an analog input. Thesecontrols are not adjustab le for digital inputs.The Clock must first be set correctly since the Clo ck Phase settings are dependent on the main Clocksetting. Use these controls only when the auto-adj ustment function does not provide a satisfactoryimage.●Clock-Increases/decreases the value to minimize any vertical bars or stripes visible on the screenbackground.●Clock Phase-Increases/decreases the value to mini mize video distortion or video jitter.NOTE:When using the controls, you w ill obtain the best result s by using the auto-adjustment patternsoftware utility provided on the CD.When adjusting the Clock and Clock Phase values, if the monitor images become distorted, continueadjusting the values until the distortion disappears. To restore the factory settin gs, select Yes from theFactory Reset menu in the on-screen display.Using the HP Display Assistant UtilityHP Display Assistant, included on the software and documentation CD, is a soft ware utility that guidesyou through the tuning process with easy to underst and instructions and back ground patterns designedfor each monitor control. It provides:●Accurate screen calibration through the use of step -by-step instruction Wizards to obtain the bestoverall image quality.●Software control of the monitor image and color settings to eliminate dependence on the monitor'sfront panel buttons and On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.●Defined preset display settings for each individual user in a multi-user environment.●Multiple preset display settin gs for a single user based on content and ambient lighting.●Asset Management and Powe r Management capabilities that incl ude remote control for individualor a group of displays on the domain from a centralized console application.The HP Display Assistant Utility has two modes of operation: Wizard and OSD mode. The preferredmethod of use is Wizard mode, wh ich takes you through a step-by-step process to accurately calibratethe monitor. This method relies on a sequence of step s that will obtain the best display results whencompleted.NOTE:Refer to the HP Display Assistant user guide for additional information about the software.30 Chapter 4 Operating the Monitor
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