HP LP2275wの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全55ページ 3.47MB]
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Icon Main Menu Submenu DescriptionThe factory default is Automatic Input Scan Input Switch Mode NOTE:The Default Video Input must be set to Auto-Detect toactivate functionality of the Input Switch Mode.Controls the monitor action when the current video input isremoved or enters the power savings mode. Set to:●Input Auto-Switching OFF-the monitor takes no actionwhen the displayed input is removed or enters the powersavings mode●Input Auto-Switching ON-the monitor automatically seeksand displays an active input when the currently displayedvideo input is removed or enters the power modeThe factory default is Off. PIP/POP Select Selects the type of secon dary window. The choices are:●PIP - Picture In Picture-secondary window is displayed asa small window within the primary window●POP - Picture Outside Picture-secondary window isdisplayed side by side with the primary window PIP/POP Source Selects the input source for the PIP/POP window. The choicesare Composite Video, S-Video, and Component Video.NOTE:All inputs are supported for the main window. howeveronly Composite, S-Video, and Component inputs are supportedfor the secondary window. PIP Size Selects the size of the PIP window. The choices are Small,Medium, and Large. PIP Position Selects the position of the PIP window on the screen. The choicesare Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, and Bottom Left.Information Selects and displays important information about the monitor.Current Settings Provides the current input video mode.Recommended Settings Provides the recommended resolution mode and refresh rate forthe monitor.Serial Number Reports the serial number of the monitor. The serial number isneeded if contacting HP technical support.Version Reports the firmware version of the monitor.Backlight Hours Reports the total hours of backlight operation.Factory Reset Returns all OSD menu settings and DDC/CI controls to the factorydefault settings, except the Language.Exit Exits the OSD menu screen.Table 4-3 OSD Menu (continued)Adjusting the Monitor Settings 29
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