HP LP2275wの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全55ページ 3.47MB]
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Energy Saver FeatureWhen the monitor is in its normal operating mode, the monitor uses less than 95 watts (LP2275w Model)or 120 watts (LP2475w Model) of power and the Power light is green.The monitor also supports a reduced power state. The reduced power state will be entered into if themonitor detects the absence of either the horizontal sync signal and/or the vertical sync signal. Upondetecting the absence of these signals, the monitor sc reen is blanked, the backlight is turned off, andthe power light is turned amber. W hen the monitor is in the reduced power state, the monitor will utilizeless than 2 watts of power. There is a brief warm up period befo re the monitor will return to its normaloperating mode.Refer to the computer manual for instructions on setting energy saver features (sometimes called powermanagement features).NOTE:The above power saver feature only works when connected to computers that have energysaver features.By selecting the settings in the mo nitor's Energy Saver utilit y, you can also program the monitor to enterinto the reduced power state at a predetermined ti me. When the monitor's Energy Saver utility causesthe monitor to enter the reduced power state, the power light blinks amber.Energy Saver Feature 43
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