ルンバ577の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全9ページ 2.66MB]
http://www.irobot.com/.../00256.0111_RoombaManual.700Series.pdf - 2.66MB
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4. To clean the side brush, use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw from the center. Remove the brush, clean, reinstall. Cleaning the front wheel1. Pull irmly on the front wheel to remove it. 2. Remove any debris from inside the wheel cavity.3. Remove the wheel from its housing and wipe clean. Pull irmly to remove the axle and clear any hair wrapped around it. 4. Reinstall all parts when inished. Make sure the wheel clicks right back into place.Cleaning the bin sensors (models 770 and above only)Remove the bin and wipe the two optical bin sensors with a clean, dry cloth.Cleaning the cliff sensorsSimply wipe all six cliff sensor openings with a clean, dry cloth.TroubleshootingOccasionally, something can go wrong. But don’t worry – there’s an early warning system. Your Roomba will tell you what the problem is. The troubleshooting light will also blink. To repeat an error message, just press CLEAN.For more information you can download a detailed user manual at www.irobot.comEmptying the binYou should do this after each use. Ensure proper insertion of the bin each time as Roomba will not run without it. Cleaning the two iltersRegular cleaning is important and you should replace the ilters after two months of regular use. Cleaning the brushes and associated parts1. Remove brush guard by lifting both yellow tabs. 2. Remove and clean the two brushes and brush bearings. 3. Use the included cleaning tool to remove hair easily from the bristle brush by pulling it over the brush. Essential maintenanceEssential Maintenance | Step by step9 10Cliff sensor openingsBearingsBin sensors
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