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Expert Mouseの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全7ページ 0.42MB]

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Creating a Comfortable WorkspaceMany factors go into creating a comfortable work space, including properplacement and adjustment of furniture and equipment, good lighting andother environmental considerations.In this section, we make some suggestions about how you can work more comfortably. Keep in mind, however, that these are only suggestions.Comfort is very personal, and only you can judge what works best for you.Position of Keyboard and Input deviceTry to place the keyboard and input device so that your arms and hands arein a relaxed, comfortable and natural position. When the input device andkeyboard are correctly positioned:* Your forearms should be parallel or almost parallel to the floor and yourwrists and hands should be in line with your forearms. Your wrist should notbe extremely flexed or extended.DON'T DO DON'TKeep wrist and hand in line with forearm.Important: Computer User Health InformationIn recent years, medical attention on occupational injuries has identified normal,seemingly harmless activities as a potential cause of a wide range of problemscollectively known as Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) or Cumulative TraumaDisorders (CTD). It is now recognized that any repetitive motion may contributeto these health problems. As a computer user, you might also be at risk.By paying attention to the way you perform your work, use your computer andphone, play sports, and work around the house, you can identify the behaviorsthat may be putting you at risk. If you experience pain, swelling, numbness, orweakness in your wrists or hands (especially during sleep), see your physicianimmediately. These symptoms could mean that you are developing a repetitivestress injury that requires prompt medical attention. For more detailed informa-tion, consult your doctor or a reputable book.Using a TrackballMost users find the best way to handle a trackball is by using the fingertipsto control the ball while using the thumb and pinky, or ring finger to click thebuttons. Try the following steps to find your most comfortable hand position.1. Place your hand over the top of the Expert Mouse, with the heel of yourhand at its base or on the wrist rest.2. Relax your wrist and fingers. Note where your fingers fall on the trackballand which buttons are easiest to reach.3. If you would like, reprogram the mouse buttons to best suit your hand position.ExpertMouse_7_RF 2/24/03 3:12 PM Page 2



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