Precision M6400の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.65MB]
gizport - 2013-10-06 - 0.65MB
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E-Family Reimage "How -To" Guide Dell Confidential 2.6 Recommended Drivers / Applications Installation Order For best results, Dell recommends installing d rivers / applications in the following order: 2.6.1 Intel Mobile Chipset - Microsoft Operating Systems might not include the updated Intel Chipset Mobile driver for Dell E-Family notebooks. The Intel Mobile Chipset driver is available on Dell's driver & downloads support web site ( ) under the "Chipset" section 2.6.2 Dell System Software for critical Microsoft QFEs - Dell recommends installing all of the latest available fixes specific to the system. These are available through the Dell System Software utility po sted on Dell's driver & downloads support web site ( ) under the "System Utilities" section 2.6.3 PCMCIA / Smartcard Controller - Microsoft Operating Systems do not include the Smartcard controller driver. Install the following driver provided by Dell: • R5C8xx Ricoh driver is available on Dell's driver & downloads support web site ( ) found under the "Chipset" section • PCI8412 TI driver (Applies only for M6500) is available on Dell's driver & downloads support web site ( ) found under the "Chipset" section 2.6.4 Intel Storage - Intel Matrix Storage Manager / Intel Rapid Storage Technology - The Intel Matrix Storage Manager (IMSM) driver on E-Family 1st generation or Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) driver on E-Family 2nd generation is required to be installed on Operating Systems in AHCI, IRRT, RAID On, and RAID SATA modes - The Intel IMSM or IRST application must also be installed - The SATA operation modes are configured in the BIOS . Refer to the BIOS section 2.5 - If the SATA mode is configured in AHCI , IRRT, RAID On, or RAID mode, the IMSM / IRST driver must be installed during the initial Operating System installation stages . The IMSM / IRST driver is only available from Dell - If SATA configuration mode in the BIOS is set to either AHCI , IRRT, RAID On, or RAID, install the Dell IMSM / IRST driver and application on Dell's driver & downloads support web site ( ) under the "SATA Drivers" section
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