COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 22 -The Folder Options MenuTo create a new folder, or to rename ordelete existing folders, choose OPTIONSfrom the FOLDERS menu. The menushown at right will be displayed.Creating new foldersTo create a new folder:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightNEW and press the shutter-release but-ton. The window shown at right will bedisplayed.2 Change the highlighted letter using thezoom buttons (). Folder names caninclude the upper-case letters A-Z, thenumbers 1-9, and spaces. Press theshutter-release button to highlight thenext letter.3 Press the shutter-release button whenthe last letter is highlighted to create afolder with the specified name and returnto normal viewing mode. To exit thewindow without creating a new folder,press the MENU button.Until another folder is selected from the FOLDERS menu, allsubsequent photographs will be stored in the new folder.Renaming existing foldersTo rename an existing folder:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightRENAME in the OPTIONS menu andpress the shutter-release button. Thewindow shown at right will be displayed.2 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightthe folder you want to rename (note thatthe folder name NIKON can not bechanged) and press the shutter releasebutton.3 Change the name as described in steps 2to 3 of "Creating new folders," opposite.The Camera Menus: The A-REC MenuNEWN I K O NI K O NSET➔SHUTTERBKOPTIONSRENAMEDELETENEWSET➔SHUTTERBKRENAMESHOWAPRILSET➔SHUTTERBK