COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 21 -CONCEPTPRACTICEUsing Folders (A-REC, M-REC)By default, photographs taken with the COOLPIX 800 are storedin the memory card in a folder labeled NIKON. To make it easierto locate photographs during playback, you can create additionalfolders and organize your photographs by theme. The FOLDERSmenu enables you to select the folder in which subsequentphotographs will be stored or choose the folder from whichphotographs will be played back. You can also create folders,rename existing folders, or delete folders.To access the folder menu for A-REC and M-REC modes:1 Turn the mode dial to A-REC or M-REC.2 Press the MENU button. The menu forthe current operating mode will be dis-played.3 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightFOLDERS.4 Press the shutter-release button to dis-play a FOLDERS menu like that shown atrightPhotos and FoldersThe file structure used when photos are recorded to the memory cardconforms to the Design Rule for Camera File Systems. In this system, foldernames consist of a three-digit folder number followed by the folder name(e.g, "100NIKON"). Each folder can in theory hold up to 999 images (it mayhold less, depending on the size of the card and other factors). Should afolder fill up, another folder will automatically be created with the samename but a different folder number (e.g., "101NIKON") and subsequentphotos stored in the new folder. For most purposes, the folder numbercan be ignored; when viewed from the camera, all folders with the samename are the same folder. In other words, the camera will show folderswith the same folder name (e.g., "100NIKON" and "101NIKON") as asingle folder with no folder number (e.g., "NIKON"). Folders with thesame name but different folder numbers will however be shown as separatefolders when the contents of memory are viewed using a computer (see theNikon View Reference Manual for details). If you have trouble locating aphoto on a computer, you can play it back on the camera, where the fullfolder number and name are included in the photo info.APRIL1/30F3.8Selecting a FolderIf more than one folder exists on the memorycard, you can select the folder that will beused for playback or to store subsequentphotographs in A-REC and M-REC modes.To select a folder, simply highlight it using thezoom buttons () and press the shutter-release button. Except in the case of thedefault folder, NIKON, the name of thecurrent folder is displayed at upper right inthe LCD monitor. Photographs are stored inthe folder shown in the LCD monitor at thetime the photograph is taken.The Camera Menus: The A-REC MenuFOLDERSNIKONSHOWAPRILOPTIONSSET➔SHUTTERBKCurrent folder