G530の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全162ページ 6.18MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17
http://download.lenovo.com/.../43n8878.pdf - 6.18MB
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162page / 6.18MB
112Chapter 7. Safety, use, and care informatioṅTurn off the computer and start the recovery process.̇If your computer uses discs as the recovery media, do not removethe disc from the drive until you are prompted to do so.̇If required, you can find your countr y's Customer Support Center at thefollowing Web address: http://www.lenovo.com/support. When calling the Customer Support Center, please make sure you haveyour machine type, model, and serial number available and thecomputer is in front of you. Also, if the machine is producing errorcodes, it is helpful to have the error screen on or the message writtendown.Device drivers are programs that contain instructions for the operating system about how to operate or "drive" a certain piece of hardware. Each hardware component on your computer has its own specific driver. If you add a new component, the operating sy stem needs to be instructed on how to operate that piece of hardwa re. After you install the driver, the operating system can recognize the hardware component and understand how to use it.Note:Due to the fact that drivers are programs, like any other file on yourcomputer, they are susceptible to corruption and might not performproperly if corruption occurs.