G530の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全162ページ 6.18MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17
http://download.lenovo.com/.../43n8878.pdf - 6.18MB
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162page / 6.18MB
If a portion of the hard disk space ha s been used for some specific purpose,then the capacity indicated by the op erating system will be even less thanX * 0.931 G.II. A portion of the hard disk sp ace is used for specific purposesLenovo computers come with preinstalled Lenovo Care, so the hard diskhas a special portion partitioned before delivery, which is used to storehard disk mirror and Lenovo Care program files. The size of the reservedspace for this partition varies accordin g to the model, operating system andsoftware of the computer. For the sake of safety, this partition is notevident, which is commonly referred to as a "hidden partition". In addition, after the hard disk is pa rtitioned or formatte d, the system willassign a certain amount of hard disk space for the system files.For the above reasons, the available hard disk space indicated by theoperating system is always less than the computer's nominal hard diskcapacity.