
GS の使い方、故障・トラブル対処法

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610 - 620 件目を表示
10GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321. NAVIGATION OPERATION1. Remote Touch
142GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM Talk switch Press the talk switch to start the voice com-mand system. To cancel voice recognition, press and holdthe talk switch. Back switch Press the back switch to return to the previ-ous screen.1 Press the talk switch. After the "Shortcut Menu" screen has beendisplayed, voice guidance will commence.2 After a beep sounds, say the commandof your choice. Voice commands are marked with .Some commonly...
156GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:321. INFORMATION DISPLAY1. MAP DATABASE VERSION AND COVERAGE AREA1 Press the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch.2 Select "Info/Apps".3 Select "Map Data". The "Map Information" screen will be dis-played.1 Press the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch, then select "Info/Apps".2 Select "Map Data" on the "Information"screen.3 Select "Legal Info.". The "Legal Information" screen will be dis-played.MAP INFORMATIONCoverage areas and legal informationcan be displayed ...
107GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM3. ADDRESS BOOK1. NAVIGATION SETTINGS1 Press the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch.2 Select "Setup".3 Select "Navigation".4 Select the desired items to be set. On this screen, the following operationscan be performed:Points or areas on the map can be regis-tered.The registered points can be used on the"Destination" screen. (See "DESTINA-TION SEARCH BY HOME" on page67, and "DESTINATION SEARCH BY"Address Book"" on page 79.)Registered areas ...
2GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:32IntroductionThis manual explains the operation of the Navigation System. Please read this manualcarefully to ensure proper use. Keep th is manual in your vehicle at all times.The screen shots in this document and the ac tual screens of the navigation system dif-fer depending on whether the functions and/or a contract existed and the map dataavailable at the time of producing this document.The Navigation System is one of the most technologically advanced vehi...
89GS350/450h (US) NAVI 30C46U11.12.13 07:323NAVIGATION SYSTEM2. ROUTE GUIDANCE1. ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREENDuring route guidance, various types ofguidance screens can be displayed de-pending on conditions.SCREEN LAYOUTNo. FunctionDistance to the next turn and an ar-row indicating the turning directionGuidance routeCurrent positionDistance and travel/arrival time tothe destinationCurrent street nameINFORMATION●If the vehicle goes off the guidance route,the route is searched again.●For some areas, the roads...
83GS350_QG_U (OM30C68U)Door Locks■Door lock switchLocks all the doorsUnlocks all the doors■Inside lock buttonLocks the doorUnlocks the doorThe front doors can be opened by pull-ing the inside handle even if the lock buttons are in the lock position.The vehicle can be locked and unlocked using the entry function, wireless remote control or door lock switches. For details the entry function or wireless remote control ( → P.9, 10)1212
8GS350_U (OM30C34U)For your informationPlease note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, includ-ing options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installedon your vehicle. All specifications provided in this manual are current at the time of printing. How-ever, because of the Lexus policy of continual product improvement, we reserve theright to make changes at any time without notice.Depending on specifications, the vehicle shown in the illustrations may ...
681-2. Theft deterrent systemGS350_U (OM30C34U)Engine immobilizer systemThe indicator light flashes after theengine switch has been turned off toindicate that the system is operating.The indicator light stops flashingafter the engine switch has beenturned to ACCESSORY or IGNI-TION ON mode to indicate that thesystem has been canceled.■System maintenanceThe vehicle has a maintenance-free type engine immobilizer system.■Conditions that may cause the system to malfunction●If the grip portion of the key is in co...
678GS350_U (OM30C34U)7-2. Steps to take in an emergencyIf your vehicle needs to be towedThe following may indicate a probl em with your transmission. Contactyour Lexus dealer before towing.●The engine is running but the vehicle will not move.●The vehicle makes an abnormal sound.If a tow truck is not available in anemergency, your vehicle may betemporarily towed using a cable orchain secured to the emergencytowing eyelet. This should only beattempted on hard surfaced roadsfor short distances at low speeds.A ...
