PT-FW300NTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全12ページ 1.29MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 1.29MB
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S PEC F ILEPT-FW300NTLCD ProjectorAs of November 2008 < 6 >Projection distance (screen aspect ratio 16:10)Projected imageLower edge of projected imageUpper edge of projected imageLLLProjected imageH H W70 (2-3/4")65369-449(14-17/32"-17-11/16")Adjustable in 20-mm(15/32-inch) step 13 (1/2")199O42O49(7-27/32")(1-21/32")(1-15/16")unit : mm (inch)L: Distance to screenH: Height from the edge of screen tocenter of lensNOTE:Illustrations show the projector installedusing optional ceiling bracket.This illustration is not drawn to scale.* This distance is especially recom-mended for ceiling-mounted use andother permanent installations.NOTE:Values shown are approximate. The valuefor L (distance to screen) varies slightlydepending on the zoom lens characteris-tics.When the shortest projection distance isused, a small amount of distortion mayoccur in the image due to the zoom lenscharacteristics.The value for H (the height from theedge of the screen to the centre of thelens) is the value when the horizontaloptical axis shift function is not used.The value decreases when the horizontaloptical axis shift function is used. Fordetails, see Shift range on page 7.0.84 m1.02 m1.27 m1.52 m1.78 m2.03 m2.29 m2.54 m3.05 m3.81 m5.08 m6.35 m7.62 m1.1 m1.4 m1.7 m2.0 m2.3 m2.6 m2.9 m3.4 m4.3 m5.7 m7.2 m8.6 m1.8 m2.3 m2.8 m3.4 m4.0 m4.6 m5.1 m5.7 m6.9 m8.6 m11.5 m14.3 m17.2 m0.23 m0.28 m0.35 m0.42 m0.49 m0.55 m0.62 m0.69 m0.83 m1.04 m1.39 m1.73 m2.08 m0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33"40"50"60"70"80"90"100"120"150"200"250"300" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 size(diagonal)Height from the edge of screento center of lens (H)Projection distance (L)Min (wide) Max (telephoto)Projection distance (screen aspect ratio 16:9)0.84 m1.02 m1.27 m1.52 m1.78 m2.03 m2.29 m2.54 m3.05 m3.81 m5.08 m6.35 m7.62 m1.2 m1.4 m1.7 m2.0 m2.3 m2.6 m2.9 m3.5 m4.4 m5.9 m7.4 m8.9 m1.9 m2.3 m2.9 m3.5 m4.1 m4.7 m5.3 m5.9 m7.1 m8.8 m11.8 m14.7 m17.7 m0.24 m0.29 m0.36 m0.43 m0.5 m0.57 m0.64 m0.71 m0.86 m1.07 m1.43 m1.78 m2.14 m0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33"40"50"60"70"80"90"100"120"150"200"250"300" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 size(diagonal)Height from the edge of screento center of lens (H)Projection distance (L)Min (wide) Max (telephoto)Standard setting-up positions