Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
98The shutter speed calculated is displayed digitallyin the camera’s viewfinder, in half steps to give abetter overview.For shutter speeds of 2s and slower, the re-maining exposure time is counted down in the display after the shutter is released. However, the exposure time actually calculated and contin-uously controlled can deviate from the half-stepvalue shown. If, for example, "1 6” (as the nearestvalue) is shown in the display before the shutter is released, but the calculated exposure time is longer, the countdown after release could alsostart from "1 9”.Under extreme light conditions, after calculatingall the parameters, the exposure meter can arriveat shutter speeds outside its working range, i.e.brightness values, which would require exposuresshorter than 1/1000s or longer than 32s. In suchcases, the minimum or maximum shutter speedmentioned is used and the value flashes as a warning.Metering memory-lockIt is often the case that, for composition reasons,important parts of the subject should be off-center and these important parts of the subjectare sometimes brighter or darker than average.However, as described in the sections "Exposure metering” on page 96 and "General informationon exposure metering” on page 106, the selective metering of the LEICA M7 deals exclusively withthe center of the image and is calibrated to anaverage grey.The aperture priority mode provides an easy wayof dealing with this kind of subject and situationwith metering memory-lock.To do this:0 1. Focus the metering field on the important partof the subject, in the first case, and on anotherdetail of average brightness in the second case, by moving the camera (see also the illustrations for aligning the metering field inthe viewfinder on pages 104/105), 0 2. and then press the shutter release button (8)to its second pressure point to measure andlock the value. As long as the pressure ismaintained, a red point appears in the view-finder at the top of the numerical line as confirmation and the speed value does notchange, even if the brightness conditions do so.0