Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
110Attaching and connecting the flash unitWhen mounting a flash unit on the hotshoe of theLEICA M7, ensure that the adapter foot of theflash unit is fully inserted and firmly secured bymeans of the tightening nut, if available. This is especially important in the case of flash units withadditional control and signal contacts, as move-ments of the flash unit within the adapter foot may lead to the contact being broken and conse-quently to malfunctions.The coaxial contact for connecting flash units withcord connection is located below the accessoryshoe at the back of the camera.Note: The camera and flash unit must both beswitched off before the flash is attached.TTL flash modeOn the LEICA M7, this mode is available with bothexposure modes, aperture priority mode and manual setting and can be used with the LEICASF20/SF24D and any other SCA-3000 flash units equipped with an SCA 3502/3501 adapter. As soon as the required quantity of light has beenemitted, the camera electronics of the LEICA M7transmit a "stop" signal to the flash unit, which immediately interrupts light output. This flash modeoffers the advantage that all factors influencingexposure of the film (e.g. filters and aperturechanges) are automatically taken into account.The LEICA M7 also transmits the film speed to theflash unit.If the flash unit is equipped with the appropriatedisplays and if the aperture selected on the lens ismanuallyenteredon the flash unit, it can automat-ically adjust its range settings accordingly. Theflash unit cannot be used to influence the filmspeed setting.Note: Since the aperture selected on the LEICA M7is not transferred to the flash, it must be set manually on the flash unit to enable the range tobe read off on the latter, if the flash has such a display.