LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 12 -OverviewOverviewThank you for your purchase of a Nikon LS-30 scanner for 35mm and IX240 film. The LS-30 film scanner offers high speedand high resolution, making it ideally suited to the creation ofhigh-quality images for desk-top publishing, design, and multi-media production. Removable modular adapters allow scanningof 35 mm slides and strip film, whether negative or positive,color or monochrome. An adapter for IX240 film is availableseparately. Other features include:* a bright, four-color LED light source, which eliminates theneed to replace worn-out bulbs* single-pass, high-speed scanning* ten-bit analog-to-digital conversion, guaranteeing high imagequality* a maximum of 2,592 x 3,894 pixels and resolutions as high as2,700 dpi* an autofocus function that eliminates the need for manualfocus adjustment* a compact, lightweight, and energy-efficient design* random-access and batch scanning, allowing you to previewand select for scanning any frame or frames in a film strip orIX240 film cartridge without removing the film from thescannerThis reference manual describes the procedures for unpacking,setting up, and connecting the scanner, and explains how to usethe film adapters available for the LS-30. While the emphasis inthis manual is on setting up and using the scanner, the precau-tions that should be observed for personal safety and to pre-vent damage to the equipment are also covered. The nextchapter, "Parts and Accessories," introduces the parts of thescanner and the contents of the package. This is followed by"Setup," which describes how to connect the power and SCSIcables and set the SCSI ID. " Using the Scanner" details how toinsert and use the film adapters and how to insert and removefilm and slides. The final sections, " Maintenance" and "Trouble-shooting," give information on caring for your scanner and onwhat to do when things go wrong. Please read all instructionsthoroughly to ensure that you get the most from your scanner.The procedures for using the LS-30 to scan and reproduceimages are outlined in the User's Guide. A more detailed expla-nation of scanning procedures may be found in the softwarereference manuals.We hope that you will find this manual helpful.