LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 37 -Using the Scanner: Using the SA-20 STRIP F ILM A DAPTER4 Cautions* Do not attempt to insert film while scanning is in progress.* Do not remove the adapter or turn the scanner off whenthere is film in the adapter. Use the driver software pro-vided with your scanner to eject the film.* Do not leave film in the adapter for extended periods* Do not move the scanner while scanning is in progress.* Examine the film carefully prior to scanning. Film cannot beused in the adapter if:* there is tape on the film* the film has been folded* the perforations have been torn* the film has been cut on an angle or tornFilm that cannot be used in the SA-20 can be scanned withthe MA-20 using the FH-2 film holder provided with yourscanner (see "Using the MA-20 SLIDE M OUNT A DAPTER ," above).* Film for use in the SA-20 must be clean and free from finger-prints. If there is dirt on the film, damage to the film couldresult. Before scanning, remove dust with a blower andgently wipe off any finger prints with a soft, dry cloth.What to do if film jams in the adapterIf film cannot be ejected from the scanner using the softwareprovided or does not eject automatically after ten minutes havepassed with no operation being performed, you will need toremove the film from the adapter by hand. The process forclearing jams is given below.Note: If the SA-20 jams repeatedly, clean the adapter as de-scribed in the following section.When no film is visible in the film slotStep 1-Remove the adapter from the scannerWait until the status LED glows steadily, then slide the adapterfrom the scanner. If the status LED is flashing rapidly, close allprograms and turn off the computer, then turn off your scannerand remove the adapter.Step 2-Open the adapterWith a coin or screwdriver, loosen the screw on top of theadapter and open the top cover.1. Loosen screw2. Open adapter