LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 44 -TroubleshootingTroubleshootingIf you should encounter problems with your scanner, check thefollowing before contacting your retailer or Nikon representa-tive. If the problems occurred during scanning, you may wish torefer to the software reference manual for advice on trouble-shooting scanning problems.Problem: the status LED does not lightChecklist* Is the power switch set to ON?The scanner is on when the end of the power switch labeled"1" is down. See the Fast Track Guide or the "Using theScanner" section of this manual.* Is the power cable properly connected at both ends?After making sure that the scanner and any devices to whichit is connected are switched off, connect the power cable asdescribed in the Fast Track Guide or the "Setup" section ofthis manual.Problem: the scanner will not scanScanning problems are often related to a problem in the SCSIconnection or to improperly installed software. In rare situations,there may be a problem with the system itself, in which case acomplete reinstall of the operating system may be necessary.SCSI checklistBefore checking the items listed below, make sure that thescanner and any devices to which it is connected are off.* Is the SCSI cable loose or not connected?Check the SCSI cabling to be sure that the cable is firmlyconnected to the connectors.* Are both ends of the SCSI chain terminated?If the SCSI chain is not properly terminated, you will experi-ence intermittent problems with all SCSI devices. The chainmust be terminated at both ends: if you have a IBM PC/ATcompatible with a SCSI expansion board and no internalSCSI devices, check that the board is terminated (refer tothe manufacturer's manual). If you are using an IBM PC/ATcompatible with a SCSI expansion board and internal SCSIdevices, remove termination from the board and terminatethe last internal device in the chain. If the scanner is con-nected at the end of the chain, set the terminator switch toON. If the scanner is connected between other SCSI de-vices, terminate the last device in the chain and set theterminator switch on the scanner to OFF. If there is anunused SCSI connector at the end of the chain, place anindependent terminator on this connector even if the deviceis connected to the chain using a through terminator. See"Setup" in this manual.* Does the cabling total more than six meters in length?For a reliable connection, SCSI cabling should be as short aspossible. Use short, high-impedance cables.* Is the scanner's ID the same as that of another SCSI device?Each SCSI device must have a unique ID. Set the scanner'sID to a number not used by any other devices in the chain.Remember that the computer is assigned an ID, usually "0"or "7," while internal hard disks often have IDs of "0" or "1."In the case of Macintosh computers, the host computer hasan ID of "7" while "0" and "3" may be assigned to an inter-nal hard disk or CD-ROM drive.