LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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49page / 3.39MB
- 27 -Using the Scanner: Turning the Scanner OnUsing the ScannerThis chapter covers basic scanner operations, from turning thescanner on to replacing adapters and inserting and removingfilm. Actual scanning is outlined in the User's Guide and de-scribed in more detail in the software reference manuals.Turning the Scanner OnBefore turning on your computer, turn on the scanner and anyother peripheral devices. The scanner is on when the end ofthe power switch labeled "1" is down.When the scanner is turned on, the status LED will blink whilethe scanner initializes. Initialization is complete when the LEDglows steadily. Once initialization has completed, turn on anyother peripheral devices and then start the computer.Inserting and Removing AdaptersThe LS-30 uses a variety of adapters to scan different types offilm. Adapters are provided for scanning single 35 mm slidemounts and 35 mm film in strips of from two to six frames. Anadapter for scanning IX240 film is available for separate pur-chase.Any of these adapters can be mounted on the scanner whilethe scanner is on and connected to a computer. To mount anadapter, check that the status LED is glowing steadily. Adapterscan not be inserted or removed while the status LED is blinking.Open the scanner's front cover and slide the adapter in asshown below, stopping when the adapter is firmly in place.(The illustration above shows the slide adapter. The directionof insertion for other adapters is shown below.)Power switch on ("1" down)