CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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1892. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:454PHONE On this screen, the following functions canbe operated: To reset all setup items, select "Default".SCREEN FOR "Messaging Settings"No. FunctionSelect to set message forwardingfrom cellular phones to "On" or "Off".Select to set the new message notifi-cation display to "On" or "Off".Select to set the new message voicenotification to "On" or "Off".Select to adjust the new message noti-fication volume. (See "NEW MES-SAGE NOTIFICATION VOLUMESETTINGS" on page 190.)Select a new message voice notifica-tion tone. (See "NEW MESSAGENOTIFICATION TONE SET-TINGS" on page 190.)Select to set the automatic messageread out function to "On" or "Off".Select to adjust the message read outvolume. (See "MESSAGE READOUT VOLUME SETTINGS" on page191.)Select to set the cellular phone's mes-sage read and unread status updatefunction to "On" or "Off".Select to edit quick reply messages.(See "EDIT QUICK REPLY MES-SAGES" on page 191.)INFORMATION●Depending on the phone, these functionsmay not be available.No. Function
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