CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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1762. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45■THE "Contacts" SCREEN CANALSO BE DISPLAYED1 Press the "MENU" button on theRemote Touch, then select "Phone". The "Phone" screen can be displayed bypressing on the steering wheel.2 Select "Contacts" on the "Phone"screen.3 Select "Options".4 Select "Manage Contacts".■TRANSFERRING A PHONE NUM-BERwFor PBAP compatible Bluetooth(R)phones 1 Select "Transfer Contacts".2 Select "Update Contacts".The phone numbers in a Bluetooth(R)phone can be transferred to the system.The system can manage up to 5 phone-books. Up to 1000 contacts (maximumof 3 numbers per contact) can be regis-tered in each phonebook.Operation methods differ betweenPBAP compatible and PBAP incompat-ible but OPP compatible Bluetooth(R)phones.If your cellular phone is neither PBAPnor OPP compatible, the phonebookcannot be transferred.
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