CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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1982. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45"Device Name": The name of theBluetooth(R) device which is displayed onthe screen. It can be changed to a desiredname.* Even if the device name is changed, thename registered in your Bluetooth(R)device does not change."Device Address": The device address isunique to each device. It cannot bechanged.* If 2 Bluetooth(R) devices have been regis-tered with the same device name, thedevices can be distinguished referring tothe device's address."My Phone Number": The phone number ofthe Bluetooth(R) phone is displayed on thescreen. Depending on the type of phone,the phone number may not be displayed."Profiles": The compatibility profile of theBluetooth(R) device is displayed on thescreen."Connect Portable Player from" : There are2 portable player connection settings avail-able; "Vehicle" and "Portable Player".■CHANGING A DEVICE NAME1 Select "Details".2 Select the device to be edited.3 Select "Device Name".4 Use the software keyboard to input thedevice name and select "OK".5 Confirm the device name and select"OK".EDITING THE Bluetooth(R) DEVICEThe Bluetooth(R) device's informationcan be displayed on the screen. The dis-played information can also be edited.
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