CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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1782. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45wFor PBAP incompatible but OPP com-patible Bluetooth(R) phones1 Select "Transfer Contacts".2 Select "Replace Contacts" or "AddContacts". If the phonebook contains phonebookdata, this screen is displayed.3 Transfer the phonebook data to the sys-tem using a Bluetooth(R) phone. Depending on the type of cellular phone,OBEX authentication may be requiredwhen transferring phonebook data. Enter"1234" into the Bluetooth(R) phone. This screen appears while transferring. Tocancel this function, select "Cancel". If"Add Contacts" is selected and there is aninterruption during the transfer of data, thephonebook data transferred until then willbe stored in the system. This is not the casewhen "Cancel" is selected.4 When the transfer is complete, "Done"will appear on the screen. Select"Done".wWhen another Bluetooth(R) device is con-nected When another Bluetooth(R) device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed. To disconnect it, select "Yes".INFORMATION●Depending on the type of Bluetooth(R)phone, the registered image on thephonebook may not appear whenphonebook data is transferred.
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