CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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1962. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Select "Add New" to register aBluetooth(R) device to the system. If 5 Bluetooth(R) devices have already beenregistered, a registered device needs to bedeleted. See "When 5 Bluetooth(R) deviceshave already been registered" on page 197.2 When this screen is displayed, operatethe Bluetooth(R) device. Search for the navigation system displayedon the system's screen using yourBluetooth(R) device, and register theBluetooth(R) device.For details about operating the Bluetooth(R)device, see the manual that comes with it. A passcode is not required for SSP (SecureSimple Pairing) compatible Bluetooth(R)devices. Depending on the type ofBluetooth(R) phone being connected, amessage confirming registration may bedisplayed on the Bluetooth(R) phone'sscreen. Respond and operate theBluetooth(R) phone according to the confir-mation message. To cancel the registration, select "Cancel".3 When the connection is completed, thisscreen is displayed. When using the same device, it is not nec-essary to register it again.REGISTERING A Bluetooth(R) DEVICEBluetooth(R) devices compatible withphones (HFP) and portable players(AVP) can be registered simultaneous-ly. Phones (HFP) and portable players(AVP) (maximum of 5) can be regis-tered.
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