CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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2002. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:455 Select the phone to be connected. The indicator of the selected Bluetooth(R)phone will turn on.6 This screen is displayed.7 When the result message is displayed,the Bluetooth(R) phone can be used.wWhen a phone is connected whileBluetooth(R) audio is playing This screen is displayed, and theBluetooth(R) audio will stop temporarily.wWhen another Bluetooth(R) device is con-nected When another Bluetooth(R) device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed.To disconnect the Bluetooth(R) device,select "Yes". If the desired Bluetooth(R) phone is not onthe list, select "Add New" to register thephone. (See page 196.) The currently connected Bluetooth(R)phone's screen button will have aBluetooth(R) mark displayed on it. If thecurrently connected Bluetooth(R) phone'sscreen button is selected, theBluetooth(R) phone can be disconnected.Select "Yes" to disconnect.
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