CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 1.44MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM269Other functionUSB memoryiPod"RPT": Use this control to automatic re-play the file or track you are currently lis-tening to.Repeating a file or track -While the file or track is playing, select"RPT" briefly."RPT" appears on the screen. When thefile or track is finished, the player will auto-matically play it again. To cancel the re-peat, select "RPT" once again.Repeating a folder (USB memory only) -While the folder is playing, select"RPT" for longer than a second."FLD.RPT" appears on the screen. Whenthe folder is finished, the system will auto-matically go back to the beginning of thefolder and play the folder again. To cancelit, select "RPT" once again."RAND": Use this for automatic and ran-dom selection of files or tracks on the fold-er that you are currently listening to.Playing the file or track in randomorder -While the file or track is playing, select"RAND" briefly."RAND" appears on the screen. The sys-tem selects a file or track you are currentlylistening to. To cancel this function, select"RAND" once again.Playing the files in all folders in randomorder -Select "RAND" for longer than a secondwhile the music is playing. "FLD.RAND"appears on the screen. The system se-lects a file in all folders. To cancel it, select"RAND" once again.When a file is skipped or the system is in-operative, select "RAND" to reset.
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