CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 1.44MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM272NOTICETo ensure correct audio/video sys-tem operations: Be careful not to spill beveragesover the audio/video system. Do not put anything other than anappropriate discs into the CDchanger or DVD changer. The use of a cellular phone insideor near the vehicle may cause anoise from the speakers of the au-dio/video system which you are lis-tening to. However, this does notindicate a malfunction. Radio receptionUsually, a problem with radio receptiondoes not mean there is a problem with yourradio - it is just the normal result of condi-tions outside the vehicle.For example, nearby buildings and terraincan interfere with FM reception. Powerlines or telephone wires can interfere withAM signals. And of course, radio signalshave a limited range. The farther you arefrom a station, the weaker its signal will be.In addition, reception conditions changeconstantly as your vehicle moves.Here are some common reception prob-lems that probably do not indicate a prob-lem with your radio:FMFading and drifting stations - Generally,the effective range of FM is about 25 miles(40 km). Once outside this range, you maynotice fading and drifting, which increasewith the distance from the radio transmit-ter. They are often accompanied by distor-tion.Multi−path - FM signals are reflective,making it possible for two signals to reachyour antenna at the same time. If this hap-pens, the signals will cancel each otherout, causing a momentary flutter or loss ofreception.Static and fluttering - These occur whensignals are blocked by buildings, trees, orother large objects. Increasing the basslevel may reduce static and fluttering.Station swapping - If the FM signal youare listening to is interrupted or weakened,and there is another strong station nearbyon the FM band, your radio may tune in thesecond station until the original signal canbe picked up again.AMFading - AM broadcasts are reflected bythe upper atmosphere - especially atnight. These reflected signals can inter-fere with those received directly from theradio station, causing the radio station tosound alternately strong and weak.Station interference - When a reflectedsignal and a signal received directly froma radio station are very nearly the samefrequency, they can interfere with eachother, making it difficult to hear the broad-cast.Static - AM is easily affected by externalsources of electrical noise, such as hightension power lines, lightening, or electri-cal motors. This results in static.Audio/video systemoperating hints
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