CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 1.44MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../u_07.pdf - 1.44MB
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94page / 1.44MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM196Co−location: This transmitter mustnot be co−located or operated in con-junction with any other antenna ortransmitter. Laser productsDo not take this unit apart or at-tempt to make any changesyourself. This is an intricate unitthat uses a laser pickup to re-trieve information from the sur-face of compact discs. The la-ser is carefully shielded so thatits rays remain inside the cabi-net. Therefore, never try to dis-assemble the player or alter anyof its parts since you may be ex-posed to laser rays and danger-ous voltages.This product utilizes a laser.Use of controls or adjustmentsor performance of proceduresother than those specified here-in may result in hazardous radi-ation exposure.NOTICETo prevent the 12−volt battery frombeing discharged, do not leave theaudio/video system on longer thannecessary when the hybrid system isnot operating.(a) Voice command systemBy pushing the switch above, you canoperate the voice command system.For the operation of the voice commandsystem and the list of commands, seepages 51 and 56.
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