CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 1.44MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM204(a) Listening to the radioPush the "AM.FM", "AM" or "FM" but-ton to display audio screen and select"AM" or "FM" tab to choose either anAM or FM station."AM", "FM1" or "FM2" appears on thescreen.If your vehicle is equipped with a satelliteradio broadcast system, when you pushthe "SAT" button or select "SAT" tab onaudio screen, "SAT1", "SAT2", "SAT3"station appears on the display. For detailsabout satellite radio broadcast, see"- Radio operation (XM Satellite Radiobroadcast)" on page 208.Turn the knob clockwise to step up thestation band or counterclockwise tostep down.Your radio automatically changes to stereoreception when a stereo broadcast is re-ceived. "ST" appears on the screen. If thesignal becomes weak, the radio reducesthe amount of channel separation to pre-vent the weak signal from creating noise.If the signal becomes extremely weak, theradio switches from stereo to mono recep-tion. In this case, "ST" disappears from thescreen.- Radio operation
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