CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 1.44MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM2796U5161aX001.mp3002.wmaFolder 1003.mp3Folder 2004.mp3005.wmaFolder 3006.mp3 The play order of the compact disc withthe structure shown above is as fol-lows:001.mp3 002.wma . . . 006.mp3 MP3/WMA player - It is possible toplay up to 192 folders or 255 files onone disc. USB memory - It is possible to playup to 999 folders, 255 files per folder or65,025 files in device. The order changes depending on thePC and MP3/WMA encoding softwareyou use.CD−R and CD−RW discs CD−R/CD−RW discs that have notbeen subject to the "finalizing process"(a process that allows discs to beplayed on a conventional CD player)cannot be played. It may not be possible to play CD −R/CD−RW discs recorded on a musicCD recorder or a personal computerbecause of disc characteristics,scratches or dirt on the disc, or dirt,condensation, etc. on the lens of theunit. It may not be possible to play discs re-corded on a personal computer de-pending on the application settings andthe environment. Record with the cor-rect format. (For details, contact theappropriate application manufacturersof the applications.) CD−R/CD−RW discs may be damagedby direct exposure to sunlight, hightemperatures or other storage condi-tions. The unit may be unable to playsome damaged discs. If you insert a CD−RW disc into theMP3/WMA player, playback will beginmore slowly than with a conventionalCD or CD−R disc. Recordings on CD−R/CD−RW cannotbe played using the DDCD (DoubleDensity CD) system.
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