CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 3.07MB]
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SETUP316SCREENS FOR NAVIGATION SET-TINGSOn this screen, the following functions canbe performed.No.Function1Average cruising speed can beset. (See " Driving speeds" onpage 317.)2The automatic input function canbe set to "On" or "Off".3During route guidance, voice guid-ance for the next street name canbe set to "On" or "Off".4"On" or "Off" can be selected toreroute the guidance route auto-matically to avoid heavy conges-tion. (See " Auto avoid traffic" onpage 318.)No. Function5When "On" is selected, freelyflowing traffic can be shown withthe arrow. (See " Show free flow-ing traffic" on page 319.)6Displayed POI icon categories canbe set. (See " POI categorychange (Select POI icons)" onpage 319.)7Buttons displayed on the mapscreen when "Off" is selectedcan be set. (See " Screen layoutfunction ("Off" Function)" onpage 320.)8The current vehicle position markcan be adjusted manually. Miscal-culation of the distance caused bytire replacement can also be ad-justed. (See " Current position/tire change calibration" on page321.)9Display of pop−up information canbe set to "On" or "Off". (See "Pop−up information" on the page323.)
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