CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 3.07MB]
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SETUP336Transferring a phone numberYou can transfer the phone numbers inyour Bluetooth phone to the system.The phonebook manages a maximumof 4 phonebooks in all. The data for1000 contacts (up to 3 numbers percontact) can be registered in total ofphonebooks.Transfer contacts while the hybrid systemis operating.1. Select "Transfer Contacts".2. Select "Replace Contacts" or "AddContacts".In case that the phonebook containsphonebook data, this screen is displayed.3. Transfer the phonebook data to thesystem using the Bluetooth phone.This screen appears while transferring. Tocancel it, select "Cancel". If the transfer-ring is interrupted on the way, the phone-book data transferred until then can bememorized in the system.When you have selected "Replace Con-tacts":If your cellular phone does not supportPBAP or OPP profiles, you cannot use thisfunction.If your phone supports PBAP profile, youcan transfer the phonebook data withoutoperating your phone.If your phone does not support PBAP pro-file, you must transfer the phonebook databy operating your phone.When you have selected "Add Con-tacts":If your cellular phone does not support theBluetooth OPP profile, you cannot usethis function.If your cellular phone supports OPP pro-file, you can transfer the phonebook databy operating your phone.
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