CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全80ページ 3.07MB]
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SETUP318Auto avoid trafficThe guidance route automaticallychanges to another route to avoid heavycongestion.To turn the "Auto Avoid Traffic" on:1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch, then select "Setup".2. Select "Navi." on the "Setup"screen.3. Select "Detailed Navi. Settings" onthe "Navigation Settings" screen.4. Select "On" of the "Auto A void Traf-fic".5. Select "Save".When congestion information about theguidance route has been received, ascreen will appear to ask you whether toreroute to avoid the congestion.If you wish to reroute, select "Yes". Anoth-er route to allow you to avoid the conges-tion will appear.If you do not wish to reroute, select "No".INFORMATIONWhen the "Traffic Information" indi-cator is dimmed, "Auto Avoid Traf-fic", "Traffic Voice Guidance" and"Show Free Flowing Traffic" will notoperate.
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