CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.63MB]
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13911-8. Safety informationBefore drivingCT200h_U (OM76004U)Child restraint systemsPoints to rememberStudies have shown that installing a ch ild restraint on a rear seat is much safer than installing one to the front passenger seat. lChoose a child restraint system that suits your vehicle and is appropri-ate to the age and size of the child. lFor installation details, follow the ins tructions provided with the child restraint system. General installation instructions are provided in this manual. (→P. 144)A child restraint system for a small child or baby must itself be properly restrained on the seat with the lap portion of the lap/shoulder belt.The laws of all 50 states of the U.S.A. and Canada now require the use of child restraint systems.
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