CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.63MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_01-08.pdf - 1.63MB
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1251-8. Safety information1Before drivingCT200h_U (OM76004U)nTypes of collisions that may not deploy the SRS airbags (SRS side and curtain shield airbags)The SRS side and curtain shield airbags may not activate if the vehicle is subjected to a collision from the side at certain angles, or a collision to the side of the vehicle body other than the passenger compartment.The SRS side and curtain shield airbags do not generally inflate if the vehicle is involved in a frontal or rear collision, if it ro lls over, or if it is involved in a low-speed side collision.lCollision from the side to the vehicle body other than the passenger compartmentlCollision from the side at an anglelCollision from the front *lCollision from the rearlVehicle rollover*: Depending on the conditions and type of accident, there are times when the curtain shield airbags may deploy (inflate) in a front impact.
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