GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全76ページ 1.98MB]
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OTHER FUNCTIONS128INFORMATIONTalk alternately with the other partyon the phone. If you talk at thesame time, the voice may not reacheach other. (It is not a malfunction.)Keep the volume of receiving voicelow so that an echo is not heard.When you talk on the phone, speakclearly towards the microphone.In the following situations, yourvoice may not reach the otherparty.Driving on an unpaved road(road noise).Driving at high speeds.The window is open.Turning the air−conditioningvents towards the microphone.The sound of the air −condition-ing fan is loud.1Indicates the condition ofBluetooth connection."Blue" indicates an excellent connectionto Bluetooth."Yellow" indicates a bad connection toBluetooth, resulting in possible deteriora-tion of voice quality.: No connection to Bluetooth .2Indicates the amount of batterycharge left.Empty FullIt is not displayed while the Bluetooth isconnecting or the phone book data is be-ing transferred.The amount left does not always corre-spond with the one of your cellular phone.This system doesn't have a charging func-tion.3Indicates the receiving area."Rm" is displayed when receiving inRoaming area."Hm" is displayed when receiving inHome area.
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