GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全76ページ 1.98MB]
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OTHER FUNCTIONS123On this screen, the current date is high-lighted in yellow. or : To change month. or : To change year."Today": To display the current month cal-endar (if another month will be displayed)."List": To display the list of registered me-mos. (See " - Memo list" on page 125.)Touching a date button on the "Calendar"screen displays the "Memo" screen.Memos can be edited by touching the listbutton. (See " - Editing a memo" on page125.)"Add Memo": To add a memo. (See " -Adding a memo" on page 124.)"Mark ": To change the color of the markdisplayed next to the date. To default themark color, touch "Delete" on the "Markcolor" screen."Date ": To change the color of the date.To default the date color, touch "Delete"on the "Date color" screen."Prev. Day": To go to the "Memo" screenof the previous date."Today": To go to the "Memo" screen forthe current day."Next Day": To go to the "Memo" screenof the next date.
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