GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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1) For three years or 50,000 miles,whichever occurs first:•If your vehicle fails a smog-checktest, all necessary repairs andadjustments will be made byLexus to ensure that your vehiclepasses the test. This is yourEmission Control System PERFORMANCE WARRANTY.•If an emissions-related part listedon pages 23–24 is defective, thepart will be repaired or replacedby Lexus. This is your SHORT-TERM Emission Control SystemDEFECT WARRANTY. Note: Under the terms of theBasic Warranty, Lexus providescoverage of four years or50,000 miles, whichever occursfirst. Specific components mayhave longer coverage under the terms of the PowertrainWarranty.2)For seven years or 70,000 miles,whichever occurs first:•If an emissions-related part listedon pages 30–31 is defective, thepart will be repaired or replacedby Lexus. This is your LONG-TERM Emission Control SystemDEFECT WARRANTY.You are responsible for performanceof the required maintenance indicatedin the Owner’s Manualand this guide.Lexus recommends that you retain allreceipts covering maintenance onyour vehicle, but Lexus cannot denywarranty coverage solely for the lackof receipts or your failure to ensurethe performance of all scheduledmaintenance.You are responsible for presentingyour vehicle to a Lexus dealership assoon as a problem exists. The warran-ty repairs should be completed in areasonable amount of time, not toexceed 30 days.You should also be aware that Lexusmay deny you warranty coverage ifyour vehicle or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper mainte-nance or unapproved modifications.If you have any questions regardingyour warranty rights and responsibili-ties, you should contact the LexusCustomer Satisfaction Department at(800)255-3987 or the CaliforniaAir Resources Board, Mobile SourceControl Division, at 9528 TelstarAvenue, P.O. Box 8001, El Monte,CA 91734-8001.OWNER’S WARRANTYRESPONSIBILITIESMANUFACTURER’SWARRANTY COVERAGEYour Warranties in Detail 29CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTYLexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:39 PM Page 29
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