GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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What types of decisions are ren-dered, and how do I know ifLexus will abide by the decisionof the arbitrator(s)?Arbitrated decisions are based onwhat the arbitrator(s) believe to befair and equitable after applying theappropriate legal standards. Remediesinclude but are not limited to repairs;reimbursement for repairs and inci-dental expenses, such as towing costs;and repurchase or replacement ofyour vehicle.The decision of the arbitrator(s) isbinding on Lexus but not on you.Lexus must comply with the decisionshortly after it is rendered, usuallywithin 30 days of your acceptance of the decision. NCDS will contactyou within 10 days of scheduled compliance to ensure that Lexus has complied in a timely manner.Are there limits to the scope of arbitrated decisions?Arbitrated decisions do not include:•Attorney fees•Punitive damages•Multiple damages•Consequential damages, otherthan incidental damages that youmay be entitled to under lawWhat other recourse do I have?If you are dissatisfied with the arbitra-tor’s decision or Lexus’ compliance,you may pursue any other legal reme-dies available to you, including smallclaims court. You should be awarethat the decision of the arbitrator(s) is admissible as evidence in any legalproceedings concerning your vehicle.Is the Dispute SettlementProgram subject to change?The information in this booklet aboutthe program is correct as of the dateof printing. However, the programmay be changed without notice.Contact the Lexus CustomerSatisfaction Department at (800)255-3987 for the most current information concerning the DisputeSettlement Program.Introduction13IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEWARRANTYLexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:27 PM Page 13
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