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LimitationsThe performance of necessaryrepairs and adjustments is the exclu-sive remedy under these warrantiesor any implied warranties. Lexus doesnot authorize any person to create forit any other obligation or liability inconnection with this vehicle.Any implied warranty of merchant-ability or fitness for a particular purpose is limited to the duration of these written warranties. Somestates do not allow restrictions on howlong an implied warranty lasts, so thislimitation may not apply to you.Your Rights Under State LawThese warranties give you specificlegal rights. You may also have otherrights that vary from state to state.Your Warranties in Detail 17GENERAL WARRANTY PROVISIONSWARRANTYLexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:28 PM Page 17


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  • 1 .
    00505–08LWB 7/072008ES, G...
    00505–08LWB 7/072008ES, GS, IS, LS, SCWARRANTY AND SERVICES GUIDEOwner Amenities |Warranty Information |Maintenance RequirementsTHE PURSUIT OF PERFECTION.Lexus sedans_cvr_cglaR1 7/5/07 1:17 PM Page cv1
  • 2 .
    Lexus recommends having m...
    Lexus recommends having mainte-nance and repairs for your vehicleperformed by an authorized Lexusdealership. To locate your nearestauthorized Lexus dealership, contactLexus Customer Satisfaction at(800)255-3987 or log on GS and IS featu...
  • 3 .
    From everyone at Lexus, t...
    From everyone at Lexus, thank youfor purchasing one of our vehicles.Your Lexus is designed to deliveruncompromising luxury and perform-ance. We are committed to providingyou with an ownership experiencethat is second to none, and we lookforward to serving...
  • 4 .
    TABLE OF CONTENTSOWNER AMENITIESComplimentary ServicesFirst Scheduled Maintenance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Second Scheduled Maintenance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  • 5 .
    California Emission Contr...
    California Emission Control Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Tire Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  • 6 .
    COMPLIMENTARY SERVICESTo help ensure that your ownershipexperience is pleasant, convenientand trouble-free, Lexus provides youwith a variety of complimentary ser-vices. These services are describedon the following pages. Other valu-able owner benefits are ...
  • 7 .
    Loaner VehicleIf your veh...
    Loaner VehicleIf your vehicle must be kept overnightat a Lexus dealership for a warranty-covered condition that requires morethan eight hours to repair, Lexus willprovide you with a complimentaryloaner vehicle for up to five days.Travel ProtectionLexus wil...
  • 8 .
    COMPLIMENTARY SERVICES2)Have as much of the followinginformation as possible:•Vehicle identification number(located on the driver’s-side corner of the dashboard, underthe window)•Owner’s name and homeaddress•Vehicle license plate number•Location of vehicle...
  • 9 .
    Quality ControlYou may ha...
    Quality ControlYou may have noticed a few miles onthe odometer when you took deliveryof your Lexus. This mileage is a resultof the comprehensive process used toensure the quality of your vehicle. Thisprocess includes extensive inspec-tions during and after...
  • 10 .
    OTHER BENEFITS AND ASSISTANCEAdditional KeysIf you require additional keys, call orvisit an authorized Lexus dealership.You will need to provide the dealer-ship with your vehicle’s key code(found on the key number plate pro-vided with your original set of ...
  • 11 .
    Both Lexus and your Lexus...
    Both Lexus and your Lexus dealer arededicated to serving your automotiveneeds. Your complete satisfaction isour first priority. Should you have aproblem or concern, please take thefollowing steps to ensure the quickestpossible response:Step 1Discuss the si...
  • 12 .
    Step 3If your concern has...
    Step 3If your concern has still not beenresolved to your satisfaction, Lexusoffers additional assistance through:National Center for DisputeSettlement (NCDS)P.O. Box 457Mt. Clemens, MI 48046(866) 272-4872Important: You must use NCDS priorto exercising rig...
  • 13 .
    What types of disputes ar...
    What types of disputes are eligible?NCDS resolves disputes involvingLexus product reliability and warrantyperformance that arise during thegreater of 1) four years or 50,000miles from the vehicle’s in-servicedate, whichever is earlier; or 2) theapplicable ...
  • 14 .
    In addition to completing...
    In addition to completing the cus-tomer claim form, please provideNCDS with the following information:•Vehicle year, make, model, VIN,mileage and date of purchase.•A brief description of your com-plaint and the actions you havetaken to resolve it.•What act...
  • 15 .
    What types of decisions a...
    What types of decisions are ren-dered, and how do I know ifLexus will abide by the decisionof the arbitrator(s)?Arbitrated decisions are based onwhat the arbitrator(s) believe to befair and equitable after applying theappropriate legal standards. Remediesi...
  • 16 .
    You have purchased one of...
    You have purchased one of the finestvehicles built in the world today, and itis backed by one of the finest war-ranties in the industry. This excellentwarranty coverage demonstrates notonly our confidence in Lexus vehicles,but also our commitment to everyL...
  • 17 .
    Introduction15WARRANTY CO...
    Introduction15WARRANTY COVERAGESWARRANTYLexus sedans-009_038.cgla
  • 18 .
    Who Is the WarrantorThe w...
    Who Is the WarrantorThe warrantor for these limited war-ranties is Lexus, a division of ToyotaMotor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., 19001 SouthWestern Avenue, Torrance, California90509-2991, a California corpora-tion.Which Vehicles Are CoveredThese warranties apply t...
  • 19 .
    LimitationsThe performanc...
    LimitationsThe performance of necessaryrepairs and adjustments is the exclu-sive remedy under these warrantiesor any implied warranties. Lexus doesnot authorize any person to create forit any other obligation or liability inconnection with this vehicle.Any...
  • 20 .
    Basic WarrantyThis warran...
    Basic WarrantyThis warranty covers repairs andadjustments needed to correctdefects in materials or workmanshipof any part supplied by Lexus, subjectto the exceptions indicated under“What Is Not Covered” on pages19–20.Coverage is for 48 months or50,000 mile...
  • 21 .
    Corrosion PerforationWarr...
    Corrosion PerforationWarrantyThis warranty covers repair orreplacement of any original bodypanel that develops perforation fromcorrosion (rust-through), subject tothe exceptions indicated under “WhatIs Not Covered” on pages 19–20.Coverage is for 72 months,...
  • 22 .
    This warranty also does n...
    This warranty also does not cover thefollowing:TiresTires are covered by a separate war-ranty provided by the tire manufac-turer. See page 34.Normal Wear and TearNoise, vibration, cosmetic conditionsand other deterioration caused bynormal wear and tear.Mai...
  • 23 .
    If a dispute arises regar...
    If a dispute arises regarding your warranty coverage, please follow the steps described on pages 9–10. Please note that you must use theNational Center for DisputeSettlement before seeking remediesthrough a court action pursuant to theMagnuson-Moss Warrant...
  • 24 .
    Emission Defect WarrantyL...
    Emission Defect WarrantyLexus warrants that your vehicle:•Was designed, built andequipped to conform at the timeof sale with applicable federalemissions standards.•Is free from defects in materialsand workmanship that maycause the vehicle to fail to meetth...
  • 25 .
    These warranty obligation...
    These warranty obligations do notapply to failures or noncompliancecaused by: •The use of replacement parts not certified in accordance withaftermarket parts certificationregulations.•The use of replacement parts notequivalent in quality or design toorigin...
  • 26 .
    Evaporative Control Syste...
    Evaporative Control System•Charcoal canister•Diaphragm valve•Fuel filler cap•Fuel tank•Vapor liquid separatorExhaust Gas Recirculation(EGR) System•EGR gas temperature sensor•EGR valve•Associated partsIgnition System•Distributor and internal parts•Ignition ...
  • 27 .
    You are responsible for p...
    You are responsible for performanceof the required maintenance indicatedin the Owner’s Manual and this guide.Lexus will not deny a warranty claimsolely because you do not haverecords to show that you maintainedyour vehicle. However, any failure ornoncompli...
  • 28 .
    If your vehicle fails an ...
    If your vehicle fails an EPA-approvedemissions test, you may make a claimunder the Emission PerformanceWarranty. To do so, take your vehicleto an authorized Lexus dealership andpresent a copy of the emissions testreport. Also, take your maintenancerecords ...
  • 29 .
    We (the dealership) want ...
    We (the dealership) want you to knowthat at the time your new Lexus vehi-cle is being delivered:1) On the basis of written notificationfurnished by Lexus, we have knowl-edge that the vehicle is covered byan EPA Certificate of Conformity.2)We have visually ...
  • 30 .
    The California Air Resour...
    The California Air Resources Board(CARB) and Lexus are pleased toexplain the emission control systemwarranty for your 2008 vehicle. InCalifornia, new motor vehicles mustbe designed, built and equipped tomeet the state’s stringent anti-smogstandards. CARB r...
  • 31 .
    1) For three years or 50,
    1) For three years or 50,000 miles,whichever occurs first:•If your vehicle fails a smog-checktest, all necessary repairs andadjustments will be made byLexus to ensure that your vehiclepasses the test. This is yourEmission Control System PERFORMANCE WARRANT...
  • 32 .
    These warranty obligation...
    These warranty obligations do notapply to failures or noncompliancecaused by: •The use of replacement parts not certified in accordance withaftermarket parts certificationregulations.•The use of replacement parts notequivalent in quality or design toorigin...
  • 33 .
    Ignition System•Knock sen...
    Ignition System•Knock sensor on ES 350, GS 460, IS 250, IS 350, LS 460, SC 430Other Parts Used in Above Systems•Transmission solenoid on GS 350, GS 460, IS 250, IS 350, LS 460, SC 430You are responsible for performanceof the required maintenance indicatedi...
  • 34 .
    To ensure optimum perform...
    To ensure optimum performance and maintain the quality built into your vehicle’s emission control sys-tems, Lexus recommends the use ofGenuine Lexus Parts when servicingor repairing the systems.Warranty coverage is not dependentupon the use of any particul...
  • 35 .
    If a Lexus dealership is ...
    If a Lexus dealership is unable tocomplete repairs on your vehiclewithin 30 days, you may have therepairs made under Lexus’ provisionsfor emergency warranty repairs. Seepage 37 for details.If you have questions or concernsabout your vehicle’s California em...
  • 36 .
    The tires that come as or...
    The tires that come as original equip-ment on your vehicle are warrantedby their manufacturer and not Lexus.Please refer to the tire warranty state-ment included with the owner infor-mation in your vehicle.To obtain warranty service for a tire,take the tir...
  • 37 .
    You are responsible for e...
    You are responsible for ensuring thatyour Lexus is operated and main-tained according to the instructions in the Owner’s Manualand the“Maintenance Information” section of this guide.You should keep detailed records ofvehicle maintenance, since undersome ci...
  • 38 .
    Warranty coverage is not ...
    Warranty coverage is not dependentupon the use of any particular brandof replacement parts. However, Lexusrecommends using only GenuineLexus Parts when you need to replacea part on your vehicle. Like all Lexusproducts, Genuine Lexus Parts arebuilt to the h...
  • 39 .
    In the United States, U.S...
    In the United States, U.S.Territories and CanadaTo obtain warranty service in theUnited States, U.S. territories orCanada, take your vehicle to anauthorized Lexus dealership. If yourvehicle cannot be driven, contact yournearest Lexus dealership for towinga...
  • 40 .
    warranted parts at the ma...
    warranted parts at the manufacturer’ssuggested retail price and warrantedlabor at a geographically appropriatehourly rate multiplied by Lexus’ rec-ommended time allowance for therepair.If your vehicle requires emergencyrepair, Lexus assumes no liability fo...
  • 41 .
    IntroductionTHE IMPORTANC...
    IntroductionTHE IMPORTANCE OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE39Regular maintenance is essential to obtaining the highest level of per-formance, safety and reliability fromyour Lexus. It can also enhance yourvehicle’s resale value. This section of the Warr...
  • 42 .
    IntroductionMAINTENANCE A...
    IntroductionMAINTENANCE AND LEXUS WARRANTY COVERAGEMAINTENANCE40Maintaining your vehicle according tothe recommendations in this bookletis required to ensure that your war-ranty coverage remains intact. Youshould keep detailed records of vehi-cle maintenan...
  • 43 .
    IntroductionLEXUS DEALERS...
    IntroductionLEXUS DEALERSHIP SERVICEMAINTENANCE41To ensure that your vehicle receivesfirst-quality service and factory-authorized parts, Lexus recommendshaving maintenance performed by an authorized Lexus dealership. Tolocate your nearest authorized Lexusd...
  • 44 .
    IntroductionGENERAL MAINT...
    IntroductionGENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REGULAR USEMAINTENANCE42In addition to scheduled maintenance,your Lexus requires ongoing generalmaintenance such as fluid checks andvisual inspections. The recommendedguidelines for inspections are listedbelow. Please re...
  • 45 .
    IntroductionGENERAL MAINT...
    IntroductionGENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REGULAR USEMAINTENANCE43wool detergent mixed in water,rubbing in a circular motion.Wipe off any excess detergentand let leather dry in an open-airlocation. When Cleaning the Exterior•Working from top to bottom,apply lots...
  • 46 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE44Determining YourMaintenance Interval:Months vs. MileageLexus recommends obtaining sched-uled maintenance for your vehicleevery six months or 5,000 miles,whichever occurs first. For example: •If...
  • 47 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE45What are Lexus PersonalizedSettings?Your vehicle includes a variety ofelectronic features that can be pro-grammed to your preferences. Forexample, doors can be programmedto remain locked when y...
  • 48 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE6 Months or 5,000 Miles1❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires2❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Foll...
  • 49 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 4718 Months or 15,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires2❏Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS, IS)❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehic...
  • 50 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE24 Months or 20,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air conditioner filter (LS, SC)❏Visually inspect brake pads ...
  • 51 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 4936 Months or 30,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors; measure rotor runout (GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air condi...
  • 52 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE42 Months or 35,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Fol...
  • 53 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 5154 Months or 45,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS, IS)❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehic...
  • 54 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE60 Months or 50,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air conditioner filter (LS, SC)❏Visually inspect brake pads ...
  • 55 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 5372 Months or 60,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors; measure rotor runout (GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air condi...
  • 56 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE78 Months or 65,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Fol...
  • 57 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 5590 Months or 75,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS, IS)❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehic...
  • 58 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE96 Months or 80,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air conditioner filter (LS, SC)❏Visually inspect brake pads ...
  • 59 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 57108 Months or 90,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors; measure rotor runout (GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air cond...
  • 60 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE114 Months or 95,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the Fo...
  • 61 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 59126 Months or 105,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS, IS)❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test veh...
  • 62 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE132 Months or 110,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air conditioner filter (LS, SC)❏Visually inspect brake pad...
  • 63 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 61144 Months or 120,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors; measure rotor runout (GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air con...
  • 64 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE150 Months or 125,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test vehicleAdditional Maintenance Required If You Drive Primarily Under the F...
  • 65 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 63162 Months or 135,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Clean air conditioner filter (ES, GS, IS)❏Visually inspect brake pads and rotors❏Road-test veh...
  • 66 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE168 Months or 140,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors(GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air conditioner filter (LS, SC)❏Visually inspect brake pad...
  • 67 .
    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 65180 Months or 150,000 Miles❏Replace engine oil and oil filter; reset reminder light❏Rotate tires1❏Measure thickness of brake pads and rotors; measure rotor runout (GS, IS, LS2)❏Replace air con...
  • 68 .
    EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log66The following descriptions are provid-ed to give you a better understandingof the maintenance services thatshould be performed on your vehicle.The scheduled maintenance log indi-cates at...
  • 69 .
    EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 67Brake Pads/Rotors and Parking Brake Linings/DrumsCheck brake pads and rotors forexcessive wear; check brake rotorsfor runout. Check brake calipers forfluid leakage. Check the parkingbra...
  • 70 .
    EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log68Engine Valve Clearance (SC)Inspect for excessive lifter noise andengine vibration and adjust if neces-sary. (All other models are equippedwith hydraulic valve lash adjusters thatrequire ...
  • 71 .
    EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 69Steering Linkage and BootsWith the vehicle stopped, check forexcessive freeplay in the steeringwheel. Inspect the linkage for bendingand damage and the dust boots fordeterioration, crac...
  • 72 .
    ModelBody styleIn-service...
    ModelBody styleIn-service dateMileage at deliverySelling dealershipSelling dealership phone numberKey numberVehicle Identification NumberVEHICLE IDENTIFICATIONMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log70Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla 7/3/07 8:16 PM Page 70
  • 73 .
    INDEXAir conditioner filt...
    INDEXAir conditioner filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46– 65*, 66Axle shaft boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
  • 74 .
    72INDEXLexus Personalized...
    72INDEXLexus Personalized Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, 4 , 45Loaner vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
  • 75 .
    73INDEXTiming belt . . ....
    73INDEXTiming belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57, 69Timing chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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    74NOTESLexus sedans-046_0...
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    75NOTESLexus sedans-046_0...
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    76NOTESLexus sedans-046_0...
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  • 79 .
    If your name or addressha...
    If your name or addresshas changed or if you purchased your Lexus as a used vehicle, please complete and mail one of the attached cards, even if your warranty coverage has expired. This will enable Lexus to contact you with important product or safety upda...
  • 80 .
    Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla...
    Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla 7/3/07 8:22 PM Page 78
  • 81 .
    This information is obtai...
    This information is obtained solely for the use of Lexus. Lexus occasionally sends specialpromotional offers to registered owners. Check here if you prefer not to receive these offers.Check here ifaddress belowis for company: ❏First name M.I. Last nameCom...
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    Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla...
    Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla 7/3/07 8:23 PM Page 80