GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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If your vehicle fails an EPA-approvedemissions test, you may make a claimunder the Emission PerformanceWarranty. To do so, take your vehicleto an authorized Lexus dealership andpresent a copy of the emissions testreport. Also, take your maintenancerecords in case they are needed.If your claim qualifies for coverage,the dealership will repair your vehiclewithin 30 days (unless a shorter peri-od is required by law). If your claim isdenied, Lexus will notify you in writingof the reason within the same period.If we fail to do so, we will repair yourvehicle free of charge. The onlyexceptions allowed are when yourequest or agree to a delay, or when adelay is caused by factors beyond thecontrol of Lexus or the dealership.For information on how to obtainservice under the Emission DefectWarranty, see page 37, “ObtainingWarranty Service.”If you have questions or concernsabout your vehicle’s federal emissionwarranty coverage, please follow thesteps described on pages 9–10. In thecase of the Emission PerformanceWarranty, you may also request infor-mation from or report complaints to:U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgencyVehicle Programs & ComplianceDivision (6405J)Attn: Warranty Complaints401 M Street SWWashington, D.C. 20460IF YOUR VEHICLE FAILSAN EMISSIONS TESTIF YOU HAVEQUESTIONSYour Warranties in Detail26FEDERAL EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTYVehicles equipped with aCalifornia Certified EmissionControl System that are regis-tered and operated in Californiaor any state that adoptsCalifornia emission warrantyprovisions are also covered bythe California Emission ControlWarranty (see page 28).Connecticut, Maine,Massachusetts, Pennsylvania,Rhode Island and Vermont are the other states to which theCalifornia Emission ControlWarranty currently applies.Lexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:37 PM Page 26
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