HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.51MB]
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WIDE VIEW FRONT MONITOR SYSTEM299The wide view front monitor systemcameraU9005AASLYThe wide view front monitor system cam-era is located on the front grille as shownin the illustration.NOTICEObserve the following precautions toensure that the wide view front moni-tor functions properly: Do not hit the camera or subject itto strong impacts as this maycause its position and mountingangle to change. As the camera is water proof, donot detach, disassemble or modifyit. Doing so may cause incorrectoperation. Do not scrub the camera lensroughly or clean it with a hardbrush or abrasive cleaner. Doingso may damage the lens and ad-versely affect the image. As the camera cover is resin, donot allow organic solvent, car wax,window cleaner or glass coatingagent to adhere to it. If this hap-pens, wipe clean as soon as pos-sible. Do not expose the front camera tosudden temperature changessuch as by pouring hot water onthe vehicle in cold weather. If the front camera is hit, its posi-tion and mounting angle maychange. Be sure to have the frontcamera checked by your Lexusdealer. Be careful when driving on roughroads as the surface of the cameramay be damaged by flying stonesor other debris.INFORMATIONIf the camera lens becomes dirty, itcannot transmit a clear image. If wa-ter droplets, snow, or mud adhere tothe lens, rinse with water and wipewith a soft cloth. If the lens is ex-tremely dirty, wash it with a mildcleanser and rinse.
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