ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.44MB]
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5276-1. Specifications6Vehicle specifications■Gasoline qualityIn very few cases, driveability problems may be caused by the brand of gasoline youare using. If driveability problems persist, try changing the brand of gasoline. If thisdoes not correct the problem, consult your Lexus dealer.■Gasoline quality standards●Automotive manufacturers in the US, Europe and Japan have developed aspecification for fuel quality called World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) that isexpected to be applied worldwide.●The WWFC consists of four categories that are based on required emissionlevels. In the US, category 4 has been adopted.●The WWFC improves air quality by lowering emissions in vehicle fleets, andcustomer satisfaction through better performance.■Lexus recommends the use of gasoline containing detergent additives●Lexus recommends the use of gasoline that contains detergent additives toavoid build-up of engine deposits.●All gasoline sold in the U.S.A. contains minimum detergent additives to cleanand/or keep clean intake systems, per EPA's lowest additives concentration pro-gram.●Lexus strongly recommends the use of Top Tier Detergent Gasoline. For moreinformation on Top Tier Detergent Gasoline and a list of marketers, please go tothe official website■Lexus recommends the use of cleaner burning gasolineCleaner burning gasoline, including reform ulated gasoline that contains oxygen-ates such as ethanol or MTBE (Methyl Te rtiary Butyl Ether) is available in manyareas.Lexus recommends the use of cleaner burning gasoline and appropriately blendedreformulated gasoline. These types of gasoline provide excellent vehicle perfor-mance, reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality.
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