ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.44MB]
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5286-1. Specifications■Lexus does not recommend blended gasoline●If you use gasohol in your Lexus, be sure that it has an octane rating no lowerthan 87.●Lexus DOES NOT recommend the use of gasoline containing methanol.■Lexus does not recommend gasoline containing MMTSome gasoline contains octane enhancing additive called MMT (Methylcyclopen-tadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl).Lexus DOES NOT recommend the use of gasoline that contains MMT. If fuel con-taining MMT is used, your emission control system may be adversely affected.The malfunction indicator lamp on the inst rument cluster may come on. If this hap-pens, contact your Lexus dealer for service.●Use only gasoline containing a maxi-mum of 10% ethanol.DO NOT use any flex-fuel or gasolinethat could contain more than 10% etha-nol, including from any pump labeledE15, E30, E50, E85 (which are onlysome examples of fuel containing morethan 10% ethanol).DO NOT use gasoline contain-ing more than 10% ethanol.(15% ethanol)(50% ethanol)(85% ethanol)
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