ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 1.41MB]
sec_01-07.pdf - 1.41MB
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1221-7. Safety informationWhile pushing the child seat downinto the rear seat, allow the shoul-der belt to retract until the childseat is securely in place.After the shoulder belt hasretracted to a point where there isno slack in the belt, pull the belt tocheck that it cannot be extended. ■Forward facing ⎯ Convertible seatPlace the child seat on the seatfacing the front of the vehicle.Run the seat belt through the childseat and insert the plate into thebuckle. Make sure that the belt isnot twisted.Fully extend the shoulder belt andallow it to retract to put it in lockmode.Lock mode allows the seat belt toretract only. STEP 4STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3
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