ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 1.41MB]
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1001-7. Safety informationIn certain types of severe frontal or side impacts, the SRS airbag systemtriggers the airbag inflators. A chemica l reaction in the inflators quicklyfills the airbags with non-toxic gas to he lp restrain the motion of the occu-pants.■SRS warning lightThis warning light system monitors the airb ag sensor assembly, front airbag sensors,side and curtain shield airbag sensor assemblies, curtain shield airbag sensorassemblies, driver's seat position sensor, dr iver's seat belt buckle switch, seat beltpretensioner assemblies, inflators, inte rconnecting wiring and power sources. (→P. 472)■If the SRS airbags deploy (inflate)●Bruising and slight abrasions may result from contact with a deploying (inflating)SRS airbag.●A loud noise and white powder will be emitted.●Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel , airbag cover and inflator) as well asthe front seats, and parts of the front pill ar, rear pillar and roof side rail, may behot for several minutes. The airbag itself may also be hot.●The windshield may crack.●For Safety Connect subscribers, if the SR S airbags deploy or in the event of asevere rear-end collision, the system is designed to send an emergency call tothe response center, notifying them of the vehicle's location (without needing topush the "SOS" button) and an agent will attempt to speak with the occupantsto ascertain the level of emergency and assistance required. If the occupantsare unable to communicate, the agent automatically treats the call as an emer-gency and helps to dispatch the necessary emergency services. ( →P. 370)
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