ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全45ページ 1.33MB]
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5When trouble arises3655-2. Steps to take in an emergencynIf the tire pressure warning system is inoperativeThe tire pressure warning system will be disabled in the following conditions:(When the condition becomes normal, the system will work properly.)lIf tires not equipped with tire pressure warning valves and transmitters are usedlIf the ID code on the tire pressure warning valves and transmitters is not regis-tered in the tire pressure warning computerlIf a different set of tires has been selected using the satellite switch.lIf the tire inflation pressure is 73 psi (500 kPa, 5.1 kgf/cm2 or bar) or higherThe tire pressure warning system may be disabled in the following conditions:(When the condition becomes normal, the system will work properly.)lIf electronic devices or facilities using similar radio wave frequencies are nearbylIf a radio set at similar frequencies is in use in the vehiclelIf there is a lot of snow or ice on the vehicle, in particular around the wheels orwheel housingslIf non-genuine Lexus wheels are used (Even if you use Lexus wheels, the tirepressure warning system may not work properly with some types of tires.)lIf tire chains are usednIf the tire pressure warning light comes on after blinking for 1 minute frequentlyIf the tire pressure warning light comes on after blinking for 1 minute frequentlywhen the "ENGINE START STOP" switch is turned to IGNITION ON mode, haveit checked by your Lexus dealer.
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