ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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173IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMTo listen to a satellite radio broadcast inyour vehicle, an additional genuine Lexussatellite receiver and antenna must be pur-chased and installed, and the subscriptionto the XM satellite radio is necessary. How to subscribe to an XM satelliteradioAn XM satellite radio is a tuner designedexclusively to receive broadcasts providedunder a separate subscription. A vailabilityis limited to the 48 contiguous states.How to subscribe: You must enter into aseparate service agreement with the XMradio in order to receive satellite broadcastprogramming in the vehicle. Additional ac-tivation and service subscription fees ap-ply that are not included in the purchaseprice of the vehicle and optional digital sat-ellite tuner. For complete information onsubscription rates and terms, or to sub-scribe to the XM radio, visit XM on the webat or call an XM's Lis-tener Care at (800) 967-2346. The XM ra-dio is solely responsible for the quality,availability and content of the satellite ra-dio services provided, which are subject tothe terms and conditions of the XM radiocustomer service agreement.Customers should have their radio IDready; the radio ID can be found by select-ing "channel 000" on the radio. For details,see the "Displaying the radio ID" that fol-lows.All fees and programming are the respon-sibility of the XM satellite radio and aresubject to change.Satellite tuner technology notice:Toyota's satellite radio tuners are awardedType Approval Certificates from XMSatellite Radio Inc. as proof ofcompatibility with the services offered bythe XM satellite radio. Displaying the radio IDEach XM tuner is identified with a uniqueradio ID. You will need the radio ID whenactivating XM service or when reporting aproblem.If you select the "CH 000" using the"TUNE" knob, the ID code of 8 alphanu-meric characters appears. If you selectanother channel, display of the ID code iscanceled. The channel (000) alternatesthe display between the radio ID and thespecific radio ID code.- Radio operation (XM satellite radiobroadcast)
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