ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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186AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)Touch the desired track number. Thechanger will start playing the selectedtrack from the beginning.: By touching this button, the list movesup by 6 track groups. If this button istouched when the top page of the list is dis-played, the last page is displayed.: By touching this button, the list movesdown by 6 track groups. If this button istouched when the last page of the list isdisplayed, the top page is displayed.Fast forward: Push the "" button of"SEEK/TRACK" and hold it to fast for-ward the disc. When you release the but-ton, the changer will resume playing fromthat position.Reverse: Push the "" button of "SEEK/TRACK" and hold it to reverse the disc.When you release the button, the changerwill resume playing. Searching for a desired track or adiscSearching for a desired track -While the disc is playing, touch"SCAN" briefly."SCAN" appears on the screen. Thechanger will play the next track for 10 sec-onds, then scan again. To select a track,touch "SCAN" once again. If the changerreaches the end of the disc, it will continuescanning at track 1.After all the tracks are scanned in onepass, normal play resumes.Searching for a desired disc -While the disc is playing, touch"SCAN" and hold it until the "D.SCAN"appears on the screen.The program at the beginning of each au-dio disc will be played for 10 seconds. Tocontinue listening to the program of yourchoice, touch "SCAN" once again.After all the audio discs are scanned in onepass, normal play resumes.
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